Preschool CDA

Courses for Early Childhood Educators

The first step toward earning a Preschool Child Development Associate (CDA) credential is to complete at least 120 clock hours of training across the CDA Subject Areas identified by the Council for Professional Recognition.

This page includes 55 individual courses specially selected to prepare learners to apply for the Preschool CDA credential and create high-quality learning experiences for young children. Learn more about the CDA credentialing process, creating your CDA portfolio, purposeful observation, advocacy, creativity, supporting literacy skills, and more.

Preschool CDA Courses Bundle

Preschool CDA Courses Bundle
The bundle contains all 55 courses selected to meet the 120-hour training requirement for prospective Preschool CDA Candidates, including the 10+ hours you need in each of the CDA Subject Areas defined by the Council for Professional Recognition.

Save almost $300 by purchasing the bundle versus buying courses individually!

Individual Courses

Purchase individual courses as needed. Choose from any of the 55 individual courses listed below that have been selected to meet the 120-hour training requirement for prospective Preschool CDA Candidates.